EasyHire.me App in Zapier supports actions to setup on-demand or live interviews
Step 0 - Add EasyHire.me App via the following link
Step 1 - Choose the desired Zapier App as a Trigger for EasyHire.me actions
Step 2 - Choose EasyHire.me App as an Action App
Step 3 : Choose either a live or on-demand interview action
Step 4 - Configure the required and optional fields for the EasyHire.me action.
On-demand interview action requires the following fields to be specified:
- Question set - This can be an existing question set configured in EasyHire.me. Zapier interface shows question sets previously configured in the user’s account. You can choose any of those questions. Additionally, it can be a search string that will query EasyHire.me platform for specified question set based on the set's name at the time the trigger fires. For this action to succeed, a unique question must be found at that time. For example, enter “Software questions” to find a question set containing the “Software questions” string in its name.
Job - This can be an existing job configured in EasyHire.me, which would be listed by Zapier. It can also be a search string that must uniquely find a job at the time the trigger fires.
Candidate’s email address
Candidate’s name
Live interview action is similar to the on-demand
- An optional Date & Time field can be configured to specify the date and time of the interview. If Date & Time is not specified, this interview will remain in the Draft state until a Date & Time is specified directly in EasyHire.me by logging into the platform
Step 5. Once all the fields are filled, click Continue to finished setting up your Zap