• New design for public interview playbackTo copy Public Playback link, Manager need to take the following steps:
  1. Select interview from Completed Interview list
  2. Click on Grade or View interview and open Interview playback room
  3. Select Collaboration tab
  4. Click on  "Invite people to start conversation" 
  5. Allow "Playback availability"
  6. Copy interview link

This URL link to Public Playback of selected interview.

All the viewing functions are available: watching video questions, code runner, viewing attachments and candidate's text answers

  • Added new function for Live and On-site interview:  Scheduled interview became Expired after 24 hours from the appointed time. 

For Expired On-site  interview the following actions are available: Edit/ Finish / Cancel

For Expired Live interview the following actions are available: Join/ Edit/ Cancel/ Candidate's link